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Showing posts from June, 2016

The South Pole Does Not Exist!

Obama / Persecution of Christians (Dream)

Obama Dream (2016)

The Simpsons FEMA Warning

Those of you that have been following the progression of the New World Order agenda probably are familiar with some of the key people involved in this new global agenda; ie, George Soros, Bill Gates, the Bilderberg group and the Rockefellers, to name a few.  Very prominent government leaders such as the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obamas, have been put in office to progressively push Americans towards accepting the New World Order agenda.  The interesting thing about this agenda is that it is very well known and promoted throughout the world.   The push to accept the LGBTQ community, the campaign against patriotic thought, and the drive towards the necessity of a police state, has helped to proliferate the emergence of new laws that trump individual rights. The Simpson's cartoon is used as a warning to all who push back against this New World Order.  It is meant to show that there is no place in the New World for people who hold...

The Earth Is Flat And You've Been Lied To (NASA/Illuminati Deception Exp...

The fact that most everything that we were taught is a lie, will cause many to question our educatonal system.  For example, is the earth a sphere, as we have been taught in school, or have we been lied to?  Was the 1986 Challenger explosion real?  If so, why are flight members aboard the space shuttle still alive today?