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Sick of TV

A few hours ago, I was trying to watch TV with my wife and son. We had to turn it off. I am so sick of watching murder, fornication, adultery every night! I grew up during the 60s when a family could watch TV together and not be embarrassed. We watched shows like Mary Tyler Moore, The Jefferson's, Barney Miller, Good times, and the Carol Burnett show. We did not have to see corrupt shows with people having sex together, men with men, (with their shirt off having sex!) women with women and everybody else fornicating and committing adultery EVERY NIGHT!!!!. It seems that our only choices are: crime shows- with murder and corruption every night, homosexual shows... reality shows that promote idolatry, materialism, gossip, and cartoonish behavior. (Preachers of LA, Detroit, and the rest). BET is just as bad. They choke Tyler Perry down our throats every weekend. Then we have to watch bad comedies that make fun of the sacred- swearing, buffoonery, heartlessly insulting the inept, laughing at the weak, and disgracing the wisdom of the aged. Disney teaches kids to be loud mouth, wise crackers, who are disrespectful and insulting their parents with loud uncalled for insults. Everyone on TV openly uses Lord's name in vain!!!! Murder, homosexuality, and witchcraft are openly practiced on TV. It seems now, there are no shows that don't rape your soul with some dark, sick, twisted, and offensive trash.- How to get away with Murder, Scandal, and Empire, to name a few. Whoever these sick people are in Hollywood, they need to be fired and sent away to Siberia. Bring back shows like Andy Griffith and the Cosby Show. I'm mad.


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