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Showing posts from July, 2016

Nugent: "The Black Problem" Could Be Solved If Blacks Put "Heart And Soul Into Being Honest" And "Law-Abiding"

Rockstar, Ted Nugent, infuriated the liberal media as well as many in the black community by suggesting that black people would do better if put their heart and soul into being honest, law abiding citizens.  This is something that I personally agree with; however, it seems as a black man, you cannot agree with such a statement without being labeled sell out.  For me, Nugent's statement holds very true.  But then, to say this, does not fit the popular narrative that black people commit crimes because they were victimized by the white man.  But does this adequately explain black on black crime?  Does this adequately explain that more black people were killed at the hands of black people, than all of the police in the entire country?   Many pundits within the black community have made racism the central issue that plagues the black community.  For some reason, many black people would rather blame white people than to admit that many times they create ...

Baton Rouge Conspiracy Theory

Dallas SHOOTING Hoax Suspect Micah X. Johnson CLAIMED He Wanted to Kill ...

Did the Police Really Shoot Philando Castile in Falcon Heights or was it...

Tomi Lahren Speaks On Jesse Williams' BET Awards Speech!...jesse williams��

Jessie Williams remembered his lines!  But isn't that what actors do?  There are some people who are concerned that he may have ended his career, but I don't think so.  Truthfully, his speech catapulted his career rather than ended it.  Ratings, money, and stock valuations went up for both BET and its parent company, Jewish owned, Viacom.  Jessie Williams made his slave masters a whole bunch of money, because media thrives on controversy.  Don't forget, Jessie is a paid actor, who has sold his soul to the devil for an opportunity to act.  Before any person is even invited to speak at these events, a lot of fraternal hazing has taken place. No one in Hollywood is exempt.  No one outside really knows what goes on in the inner chambers of the Hollywood board rooms, since everyone is sworn to secrecy.  However, many believe that actors must degrade themselves before they are given roles to act. Jessie Williams must have performed well in privat...

What the Cancer Industry doesn't want YOU to know...

One of the most horrific manifestations of the global elite new world order is a desire to ensure that the entire population of the earth is completely dependant on the big drug cartels for medications even if this means hiding from the public the fact that there are natural cures for many of the most terrible diseases known to humans. Proof is provided by whistle blowers who have attended the bilderberger annual conferences and a number of other secretive elite meetings focused on population control and eugenics. If you or someone you love or someone you know has been or is still suffering from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, constant fungal infections or some form of urinary/digestive issue then it makes no sense seeing the below and doing nothing. Nothing will not resolve anything. You must act as knowledge is power, especially the knowledge that is hidden from you under the guise of media propaganda, lawsuits, blackmail and intimidation. These a...