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Tomi Lahren Speaks On Jesse Williams' BET Awards Speech!...jesse williams��

Jessie Williams remembered his lines!  But isn't that what actors do?  There are some people who are concerned that he may have ended his career, but I don't think so.  Truthfully, his speech catapulted his career rather than ended it.  Ratings, money, and stock valuations went up for both BET and its parent company, Jewish owned, Viacom.  Jessie Williams made his slave masters a whole bunch of money, because media thrives on controversy.  Don't forget, Jessie is a paid actor, who has sold his soul to the devil for an opportunity to act.  Before any person is even invited to speak at these events, a lot of fraternal hazing has taken place. No one in Hollywood is exempt.  No one outside really knows what goes on in the inner chambers of the Hollywood board rooms, since everyone is sworn to secrecy.  However, many believe that actors must degrade themselves before they are given roles to act. Jessie Williams must have performed well in private in order to have the opportunity to give such a speech, because before he gave this speech, few people even knew who he was. And, because of his speech, he will become even more well known.  So, in my humble opinion, I believe this was all well planned.  For a long time, the Black Boule (black sell outs) have been fooling naive blacks into thinking that they are championing the cause for black people, while secretly promoting the destruction of black people by poisoning their minds with misguided logic and referendums that keep black people down.  One only needs to look at the kind of programming that BET promotes to understand that their goal is to destroy the black community and black family through media that highlight the worst in black people rather than the best.  These shows  promote immorality, the LGBTQ agenda, stupidity, violence, and buffoonery.  They also promoting the hatred of other racial groups in order to create a distructive divisiveness within the black community. This kind of indoctrination serves to keep black people isolated from the larger context of society.  It also prevents blacks from fully realizing their ability achieve the American Dream.   After being indoctrinated by BET, blacks come away believing that white America is against them, and will never allow them to be included, so why even try.  The result, then, is twisted thinking, and unrealistic goals within the black community.  Black children grow up believing that they must sell drugs, rap, and go to jail to be legit, or down with the cause.  Black people leave their homes looking for trouble with white cops rather than avoiding it.  They are not told to be law abiding citizens, instead they are encouraged to resist authority or die trying.  Jessie Williams rant was well planned and carefully reviewed by his Jewish slave masters, creating anti American sentiment among black people.  This all works hand in glove to create a new global economy.  One that blacks will willingly embrace.  A slave state, controlled and manipulated by the global elite.  One that will usher in a New World Order in the wake of the total destruction of America.


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